
New Enamel Pin Range Alert! All of these new pins will be available to preorder from Monday 3rd September at 7pm BST!

We’re hoping to have them in time for Thought Bubble, and we should have them at all other conventions this year as well!

(And yes – the Super Handheld Game pin will glow in the dark!)




alchemizing shenanigans took up a fairly big chunk of homestuck and it was 100% worth it

Alchemy was, no joke, originally my favorite part of the comic and I feel like something was lost when characters stopped halting the plot entirely to showcase dumb ideas hussie had

youre right and you should say it


Babe ur eyes are like the stars. There’s so damn many of them. Why so many eyes, my sweet eldritch beauty? Wh



things that 15 year old me did sophomore year that my southern-bred god-fearing conservative christian teachers Did Not Like

  • teacher refused to let me sit backwards in chairs. i made a point to sit backwards in chairs until she told me to stop, and then id manspread as much as possible. (semester one.)
  • teacher got onto my friend and gave her a panic attack over her newly dyed hair. i told her my friend putting red streaks in her hair was no different than her removing the grey streaks from her hair. got sent outside. (semester one)
  • teacher told me my bra strap was showing. took my bra off in class and put it in bag. was sent to principal’s office. mother was called, although she only muffled her laughter over the telephone. (semester two)
  • [to homophobic teacher who disliked my mothers] “what language is gaelic from? gayland?” “that’s where my moms are from, ma’am.”
  • teacher claimed i was lying about moving to uruguay and tried to force me into sitting in a personal meeting about my future classes and goals. told her to “sign me the fuck up for underwater basket weaving” and got sent outside. (semester two)
  • was told by teacher that “ladies should not say they have to pee. try ‘can i use the restroom’ instead” replied with “alright. i gotta piss like a racehorse. can i use the restroom?“ (got sent outside. again. semester two)
  • was told to “smile, you’ll look nicer” by a 6′0″ male coach i did not know. when he blocked my entrance out of the classroom until i smiled for him, i said “shove it straight up your ass,” before elbowing him in the ribcage, ducking under his arm, and running for it. skipped class in that building for a week. (semester two)
  • hopped a fence to catch my bus and flipped off an ancient male history teacher when he shouted at me to come back. he threatened to find me again. he never found me. 

An inspiration.




Will Smith went to London and dressed up as a Boots sales assistant to promote Jaden’s new water brand ….. what dimension are we living in

“Brand of water” look at our society, we need a good old fashioned culling.

The kid is just doing what he wants to better the world. He started a brand of bottled water that’s better for the environment and is responsibly sourcing everything from the bottle to the water. They’ve gone as far to work with a specific city and only bottle excess water and pay the city more than its actually worth so their water infrastructure can be improved. He’s also donating water to Flint until the lead levels are actually at safe levels because the government decided they don’t want to anymore.

If you’re gonna try to complain about a celebrity doing something at least be educated on what they’re actually doing first




I wanted to snark that these people are drooling over something we literally learn in third grade, but then I remembered that during my time in retail I was surprised to learn that to give someone change instead of subtracting number by number you can just start with what they owe and count up to what they gave you.

The difference between two consecutive prefect squares is their two roots added together eg: (12^2)+12+13=(13^2). I found this extremely helpful when we did multiplication in school because variation of that without squared numbers helped me with my math

And if they’re not consecutive, multiply by the difference.

For example:

12^2 – 11^2 = 12 + 11

14^2 – 11^2 = (14 + 11)(14 – 11)