
Video Games I Played in 2018

“Hey, kids-don’t spend all your time in front of the TV! Go play outside!”

“But how can they play video games if they’re not in front of a TV?!”


That’s a copy.



#a really polite kid



I really missed doing simple styles so here’s another one 😀 It’s been so cold I just want to be in a warm bath forever~ 

99% of the charity sale orders have been sent so I finally have more time to draw again!

 HD files and Video Process on http://Patreon.com/yuumei 

More art, comics, and tutorials @ http://YuumeiArt.com






TIL that door knobs made out of brass automatically disinfect themselves in about 8 hours through the oligodynamic effect

via reddit.com

Fascinating. Good post.

Silver does this also, which was probably handy for silverware before antibacterial dish soap was invented.

That’s mentioned in the article as well. They also stated that a copper or silver container can disinfect a pot of water in a few hours. im gonna add a copper vessel to my emergency provisions now. @yourunclejingo you may find this stuff interesting too.

Its almost like our ancestors did shit that made sense even if they didn’t always fully understand why.


thor ragnarok came out a year ago but i think we havent talked enough about how genuinely funny it is that loki tried to put his father, the ruler of asgard and protector of the 9 realms, in a fucking retirement center in new york city, or the fact that the minute loki tried to find odin at said fucking retirement center, its immediately demolished and his delusional elderly god-father is now on the loose anywhere in the galaxy