
The Peel is an offshoot of the Onion but honestly if someone told me this was real slam poetry I wouldn’t even question it






Hanging out with straight ppl who just do not get gay humour is so exhausting…

I’m like “Bella swan was a lesbian cause she drove a truck” and this str8 girl says “no she married edward and they had sex lol” …

Oh, so being gay makes you the epitome of humor?

Literally no where does op say that

I didn’t say it but it is true

$0 self-care:


  • enjoy a long, hot shower after an exhausting day
  • avoid or cut toxic people out of your life
  • have a nice, lengthy nap to rejuvinate
  • go on a sky watching or star gazing
  • take a break and unplug on social media
  • unfriend/mute toxic people on the internet
  • go for a walk or a jog on the park
  • reconnect with your good old friends
  • take your dog/pet for a walk
  • enjoy the sun for a couple of minutes
  • do a random act of kindness
  • have a quick movie marathon
  • try to do something that you used to love
  • listen to your favorite songs when you were a kid
  • artist or not, try painting your feelings
  • for a day, try decluttering your thoughts and stop overthinking
  • go on a window shopping (even w/o buying anything)  


The year is 2036. your a gay gardener you have your own house in a typical suburban neighborhood. your neighbor is a typical white bitchy soccer mom named susan who thought naming her two kids “katielynie” and “leahniheha” was a good idea. her kids get in your garden and ruin your plants. you complain to susan but she tells you she doesn’t care and blames you for not paying lots of money for a fence. you quit your job. you hire yourself as a garden decor salesman. but you make nothing but sexy gnomes. the shop is, somehow, a success. you place the unsold sexy gnomes in your backyard. all facing susan’s garden. she can’t go outside without seeing hundreds upon hundreds of gnomes. she’s furious that her kids have witnessed the slutty, slutty gnomes. she keeps complaining but you just say “if you don’t like it just build a fence” your living. you find a gay farmer who has a passion for making seductive plastic flamingos in their free time. susan is furious that her neighbor has surrounded her home with the slutty gnomes and seductive flamingos. life is good.